Selected Transaction History*
Client: Alpha Sensors, Inc. (CA) (Mfg. Sensors and Thermistors)
Purchaser: GenCap America, Inc.
Client: Arvada Hardwood Floor Co. (CO) (Flooring Whol. & Installation)
Purchaser: The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE)
Client: Birdlegs, Inc. (GA) (Mfg. Specialty Apparel)
Purchaser: Tandycrafts, Inc. (NYSE)
Client: Chemlink Laboratories, LLC (GA)
Purchaser: Strategic Buyer (transaction not publicly announced)
Client: Coleman Floor Company, Inc. (IL) (Flooring Whol. & Installation)
Purchaser: Stock Building Supply/Wolseley PLC (LON & NYSE)
Client: College Flags, Inc. (SC) (Mfg. Licensed Sports Flags)
Purchaser: Tandycrafts, Inc. (NYSE)
Client: Comsi, Inc. (IL) (Computer Systems Integrator)
Purchaser: REAL Applications, Inc. (Private)
Client: CraneCare, Inc. (NM) (Overhead Crane Systems, Install, Repair & Inspection)
Purchaser: Industrial Inspection & Analysis, Inc. (Private)
Client: Creative Pultrusions, Inc. (PA) (Mfg. Fiberglass-Reinforced Composite Products)
Purchaser: Hill & Smith Holdings plc (LONDON)
Client: Creative Touch Interiors, Inc. (CA) (Builder Design Center)
Purchaser: The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE)
Client: Custom Surfaces, Inc. (GA) (Countertop Fabrication & Installation)
Purchaser: Oldcastle APG South/CRH plc (LON & NASDAQ)
Client: Diversified Inspections/Independent Testing Laboratories, Inc. (AZ) (Industrial Safety & Integrity Inspection)
Purchaser: Industrial Inspection & Analysis, Inc. (Private)
Client: Durham Mfg. Co., Inc. (TN) (Dist. Building Materials)
Purchaser: Builders Supply Ltd./Builders First Source (NASDAQ)
Client: E-Commerce/Digital Marketing Agency (FL)
Purchaser: Private Equity-Backed E-Commerce/Digital Marketing Specialist (transaction not publicly announced)
Client: Expo Builders Supply (Div. Expo Ind.) (CA) (Dist. Bldg. Materials)
Purchaser: Westside Building Materials, Inc.
Client: FEI Group (GA) (Bldg. Products Purchase Support Organization)
Strategic Merger Partner: Nationwide Marketing Group
Client: Floors, Inc. (MD) (Flooring Whol. & Installation)
Purchaser: The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE)
Client: Floorworks, Inc. (AZ) (Flooring Whol. & Installation)
Purchaser: The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE)
Client: Genesis 2000, Inc. (CA) (Loan Origination Software)
Purchaser: Holdings (NASDAQ:Proposed)
Client: Jacks Nursery, Inc. (LA) (Commercial Landscaping Contractor)
Purchaser: American Civil Constructors
Client:J -Mar Associates, Inc. (TX) (Mfg. Greeting Card)
Purchaser:Tandycrafts, Inc. (NYSE)
Client: JeanMarie Creations, Inc. (OK) (Mfg. Specialty Gift Bags)
Purchaser: Blyth Industries, Inc. (NYSE)
Client: KW Parts, Inc. (FL) (Dist. Automotive Aftermarket Parts)
Purchaser: Private Investor
Client: Landmark Interiors, Inc. (AZ) (Builder Design Center)
Purchaser: The Home Depot, Inc. (NYSE)
Client: Litigation Support Services/eDiscovery Provider (Confidential)
Purchaser: Strategic Acquirer (Confidential)
Client: Marathon Solutions, Inc. (KS) (Credit Card Processing Solutions)
Purchaser: Financial Transaction Services/FTV Capital
Client: Nursing Solutions & Nursing Solutions of Southern Arizona (Home Health Skilled Nursing Services)
Purchaser: Angels of Care/Varsity Healthcare Partners
Client: Paper Plus, Inc. (NJ) (Dist. Paper & Chemical Products)
Purchaser: Chuo Kagaku (Japan)
Client: Paragon Water Systems, Inc. (FL) (Design & Mfg. Water Filtration Products)
Purchaser: Triwater Holdings, LLC
Client: Pauley Construction, Inc. (AZ) (Telecom/Cable TV Contractor)
Purchaser: Quanta Services, Inc. (NYSE)
Client: Pentech Infusions, Inc. (PA) (Nutrition Services for Dialysis Patients)
Purchaser: DW Healthcare Partners
Client: PremierGarage Systems, LLC (AZ) (Mfg./Franchisor – Garage Improvement Prod.)
Purchaser: Gemini Investors (Private)/MCG Capital (NASDAQ)
Client: Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Co., LLC (UT) (Heavy Civil Contractor)
Purchaser: Sterling Construction Company, Inc. (NASDAQ)
Client: Richland, Inc. (TN) (Mfg. Assembly Line Tooling)
Purchaser: Dover Corp. (NYSE)
Client: Rivertown Button, Inc. (MN) (Mfg. of Advertising Buttons)
Purchaser: Tandycrafts, Inc. (NYSE)
Client: Shield Pack, Inc. (LA) (Mfg. Specialty Packaging)
Purchaser: BancBoston Capital, Inc. (Private)
Client: Shoals Supply, Inc. (AL) (Mfg. Components for Mfg. Housing)
Purchaser: Drew Industries, Inc. (AMEX)
Client: SuperFloors, Inc. (WA) (Builder Design Center)
Purchaser: KRG Capital LLC/Interior Specialists, Inc.
Client: Tag Express, Inc. (GA) (Dist. Licensed Sports Products)
Purchaser: Tandycrafts, Inc. (NYSE)
Client: Tom Togs of Carolina, Inc. (NC) (Mfg. Infant & Children’s Apparel)
Purchaser: Private Investor
Client: Top Dollar Stores, Inc. (AL) (Retail Chain of Thrift Items)
Purchaser: Private Investor
Client: Top Rx, Inc. (TN) (Dist. Generic Pharmaceuticals)
Purchaser: Flexpoint Ford, LLC
Client: Total Distributors, Inc. (OK) (Dist. Heat Exchanger Tubing)
Purchaser: Federal Industries, Ltd. (TOR)
Client: Trans Mart, Inc. (AL) (Dist. Automotive Transmission Parts)
Purchaser: Aftermarket Technology Corp. (NASDAQ)
Client: Trench Mfg. (NY) (Pennant Division)(Mfg. Licensed Sports Products)
Purchaser: Tandycrafts, Inc. (NYSE)
Client: Trillium Health Products, Inc. (WA) (Mfg. “Juiceman” Juice Machines)
Purchaser: Salton-Maxim Corp. (NASDAQ)
Client: U.S. Water Services (MN) (Water Treatment Chemicals & Mfg. Equipment)
Purchaser: Excellere Partners
*Several of these transactions were completed by a De NES principal while at a predecessor firm. Transactions completed by a De NES principal while at a predecessor firm are identified within the case study.
*Past performance is no guarantee of future performance or success